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Friday, January 21, 2011


I just got a set of these things called Uberstix, and they are kind of like LEGO, except they link together and you can cut them more easily. In the pamphlet that came with them, it said if you need to edit them, then you should cut them with nail clippers. The reason that I have not been doing posts for a long time is because I crashed my computer, and that destroyed the graphics card, so the display would not work, then we had to take out the hard drive and load in on to a different computer. It came with a bunch of instructions, but most of them did not do anything. I found the boat that looked pretty cool, so I built it, but I still need two plastic water bottles, and I think that they forgot to put in a sail, because in the instructions it says that you should have a sail, but I could not find one.

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