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Friday, October 8, 2010

Rubber bands

Rubber bands

I have just got a few bags of rubber bands. I have finished 5 of them so far. It is is 16 inches in diameter and is 52 centimeters in circumference. I got all of the bags at Walmart, and I have thick rubber bands and thin rubber bands.I started it with a piece of scrap paper, and once I made a small one with a full piece of 11 1/2 by 8 paper, and it got to be half an inch in diameter.


  1. You are stil going to add more bands to it or you have stopped expanding it.. ?

  2. I am still expanding it but the rubber bands are a bit tight on it so I am planning on getting thicker ones. I just got one that zips open and closed so I don't loose it.

  3. cool.. so how much dose it weigh now ?

    you had two of these kinds one small and one big one right ?
