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Saturday, October 16, 2010

Rubik's Lubricant and Cubes

This post is about the lubricants and the cubes available on the market. I think that the best lubricant I think is one that I got at a competition, but it has Chinese writing on it, but it is made by the company MARU. The next best lubricants are silicone and Vaseline, and silicone makes it go faster and Vaseline makes go a little bit faster and smother. Vaseline eats up the plastic in the pieces which can be a good thing. If you play with it for a little while with Vaseline and then wash it out with soapy water and put in silicone, it is very good. If you keep in the Vaseline, then it will just be very smooth. I have also tried to put in sand and then solve it, and take it out, but even though it sounds crazy, the sand smooths the pieces and makes it looser like Vaseline, but a lot quicker. I tried it and it still felt like there was a little sand in it, but if you clean it out well, it would be very good.

1 comment:

  1. that nice article..

    what i really liked about this is that you have really included both the good and bad point of Vaseline.. and how dose it effect it.. and thank for telling us that if we are planning to use it for a short period then its good..

    thanks.. really need a nice article like this to read..
    GR8 (great) stuff..

    keep it up :)
